Lightroom Sraw. If you want to really learn Lightroom Check out my new Lightroom Classic training. Its impossible to cullratelabel files right on a flash card - they first need to be copied onto a local disk XMPed. Apart from a reduction in file size which is an advantage if you are limited for image storage space there may be an advantage in terms of processing speed which may be useful if you are say an event photographer taking. 962017 Fixed issue that caused a magenta color cast on some mRaw and sRaw images from the Canon EOS 6D Mark II camera.
As Adobe Lightroom Windows users know this application has been oppressive for users of removable media disk drives flash cards imposing some limitations that puts image culling applications that produce XMP files including FastRawViewer in a bit of a bind. It has been available for the first time in the Canon 1D Mark III a DSLR released back in 2007. Only by shooting in raw mode can you ever hope to achieve the highest-quality results. That said if you want smaller files and you already like DNG you might consider shooting full raw and then using the new Lossy DNG format for the photos youd previously have shot as mRAW. What I mean by that is that Lightroom is a non-destructive editor. Canon EOS 5D Mk II sRAW files could process with artifacts in Lightroom 22.
That is theyre more like a super-powered tiff file in that the pixels are a full mix of all three color channels.
4152014 mRaw and sRaw were designed for occasions where you do not need the full resolution eg. Camera Raw 42 does not support the Canon EOS 1D Mark III SRAW format at this time Lightroom and Camera Raw will be updated together to ensure raw format and settings compatibility Noise reduction adjustment for all cameras with Bayer Pattern sensor. 7312014 Lightroom would run in reduced functionality mode when it should not. 11152013 Above all Lightroom is designed to help you make the best possible photographs from the raw data captured by your camera sensor. 4152014 mRaw and sRaw were designed for occasions where you do not need the full resolution eg. Nikon D810 sRAW lens correction does not work the same as on regular raw files When I apply lens correction to images taken in sRAW format they do not correct the image in the same way that they do on full size RAW files.